Monday 7 October 2013

Where we begin our journey.

Ok, so i've been considering a foray into blogging for a long time now, but have never quite mustered the will (or perhaps not organised my time well enough), to get one going. However, I find myself with a bit of free time on a weekday off, with a new incentive & at the keyboard ready to take the plunge!

I do think it's fairly odd that this is written as though it is geared as some unseen audience; I know that's often what blogs are created for & used for, but I imagine that for the duration of this blog's lifetime, I shall be the sole contributor & the main readership. However, there is something soothing about going back to a diary format of writing.

I have mainly created this blog to chart my adventures in dieting & exercise, hoping I suppose that a written record of my journey will help me to stay on track & give me a chance to reflect on how i'm progessing. I don't know whether this will result in sharing meal planning ideas & recipes, but one step at a time!

I have always struggled with weight loss & have been on every type on formalised diet out there & have wrestled with weight-ins for most of my adult life. There have been some huge successes in my weight-loss history, however, there have been more subscriptions & cancellations than success, difficulties with maintenance are always ongoing & my loft is filled with huge sacks of beautiful clothing designed to fit the lovely 12-14 I was in 2009. However, I did allude to a new incentive in the initial paragraph, for this new weight chapter; which is that last weekend, my lovely boyfriend got down on one knee & asked me to be his wife. I am mega excited about this for many reasons; he was the boy who thought he never wanted to get married, he is the boy that I so want to be with for the rest of my life & he is the boy that I am planning on starting a family with. It also helps that I have a beautiful emerald ring on my finger, which y'know, is always nice to look at! But, this has made me resolved to not marry as a larger lady. 

I will say, that I was planning on trying again to lose some weight, so this isn't the sole reason for my next journey into weight loss, but I think that it has given me more of an incentive & a bigger will than unfortunately sometimes my own health and happiness could give me. Funny how we sadly base so much of our actions on the perceptions of others, but I would be lying if I said I was immune to this.

So now we have the background & I think I will leave this here for now. In my new post I suppose i'll get down with the statistics & we'll know the figure of the beast! As it were...